Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy 2008...

Well, it's been a while since I actually posted more than a few sentences or a Friday Fun and it isn't due to a lack of things to write about or for a lack of time. I blame it on pure laziness...

So, it's a new year and a lot happened since mid-December. I'm going to try to re-cap for prosperities sake:
1) Mid-December we hosted Holiday Hoopla. About 30 guests RSVP'd "Yes" but if you will remember it was the same night of the most wonderful storm we've had this year. About 20 people showed up, which is a pretty good turnout. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of food, a lot of Guitar Hero and a lot of fun. While many left before the snow started to pile up, the party went on until 7:30am for several of the guys and Starnesy ended up in my bed at 9am when Dave left for a quick bathroom break! Needless to say I was up for the morning to hang out with all of our guests. The snow was incredible - so much in fact that G&L who left around 9:30am showed up back at the apartment about an hour and a half later after only being able to get to Don Mills and Eglinton before turning around.
2) Guitar Hero? You got it, as I'm sure all of you know, we got not only 1 but 2 Guitar Hero 3's for the Wii!!!! One was a Christmas gift for me from Dave and B-Rock and the other was a wonderful pressie from A&L - completely unnecessary but super exciting and generous! We've become slightly obsessed and it's even better to be able to play together.
3) The weekend before Christmas was spent with my family in the 'Loo. We are taking turns each Christmas with our families and this year it was the Baha's turn but luckily we were able to stay in TO. It felt like Xmas with my fam and we did all of the things we would normally do minus the turkey. It was our first Christmas not in London - a little strange but not as different as I thought it be. It's the company and surroundings that make you feel at home.
4) This year we hosted Christmas Day at our apartment - our first time hosting and only our second time hosting a holiday (this Thanksgiving was the first holiday for us). We had a great time and I think everyone enjoyed the holiday and were able to rest and relax. Too many presents and we were spoiled rotten but I won't complain too much!
5) New Years saw us off to Brooklin for a house party with G&L and the gang. Good times, lot's of drinks, ringing in the New Year and little sleep. What more could we have asked for?! Thanks for hosting!

There were lot's of little things in between and Dave and I enjoyed our visit with Bri. Dave had 16 days off, 16 days off, 16 days had plenty of quality time with his bro. And I worked everything except the statutories but that's okay...I'm looking forward to vacations this year already.

Cheers to 2008!

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