Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So long...Farewell...

I don't know the rest of the song...

I'm laying this blog to rest...I thought this might motivate me to somewhat keep a journal of the happenings in our lives and to have a place for friends and family to visit but really...who was I kidding?

Friends and family don't really come to visit...this is one hell of a shitty journal and well...I simply lost interest at about almost the same time I started. So, I tried, I failed...wish I had a t-shirt.

Until we meet again...cheers!


Anonymous said...

Hey I was a friend who came by. L.

Rob said...

Facebook killed the blogging star.

Anonymous said...

Although I rarely left a comment, I always looked on Fridays to see what craziness you had come up with!! I will miss reading it :(