Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Finally, American Idol had a great "theme" for the evening - my main man JBJ!!! Sure, most of you think Bon Jovi is lame but he is tried, tested and true and I can't believe if you didn't hear "Livin' On A Prayer" at a bar on a Saturday night you wouldn't find at least your foot tapping along or strumming your air guitar to the beat.

My fave idol this season, Blake, did not disappoint. He has gone weeks without beat boxing and what a week to pull it out. If you missed tonight's episode - log online and I'm sure there will be clips. He was fantastic. It's hard to believe that they only get a week to practice and he has time to re-arrange one of their most popular songs, teach the band, change the rhythm five times throughout, throw in several lines of beat boxing and still do the song justice! Second fave this season didn't bring her best but I can't believe that she won't make it through another round. Final two: Blake and Jordin! Bring it on!

PS - Sanjaya was finally not allowed to collect $200 or pass GO last week. Thank you America for putting me out of my misery.

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