Thursday, May 3, 2007

Time to Reflect...

Last night D and I went to dinner at one of his work friend's homes. It was only the second time I had met "Mar" and the first time we had both met his wife, "Nad". It was a great evening -Mar is a great cook and whipped up some delicious bruschetta, garlic bread, salad (with homemade dressing) and homemade lasagna. We watched a few slideshows from their wedding and recent trip to Belize and had great conversation. They are a very easy going and talkative couple - ones that you meet for the first time but feel you have known forever.

While the boys were talking shop, Nad and I were discussing a little bit about where we came from and our family background. She was surprised that I was an only child since she didn't actually know that many. She also asked if I missed not having siblings and my response to that is always the same - how can I miss something I didn't have? My parents always made sure I had friends around and always allowed me to bring friends on trips etc. Talking about life and the past got me thinking...

Everyone has their ups and downs, some much more significant than others. I've been lucky enough to have a lot of ups and not too many downs...actually, I can't really think of anything significant to complain about at all. I'm lucky and I know it. My family is wonderful, my friends are great and I was lucky enough to find the most perfect person for me ever (with big thanks to my good friend Edward). Love you D!

Ahem...Anyways...I had a quick reflection on the past and how I got to where I am now. It's crazy to think about how things might have ended up if you did this or said that or went there instead of here. Right now I am fully satisfied with the life I am living:

  1. We have all of our close friends in the city and manage to see them on a somewhat regular basis. Family is close and even those that aren't we still have great communication with.
  2. I enjoy my job. I actually never dread getting up in the morning or staying late at night - it's all in a day's work. And, yes, the perks are nice!
  3. D is finally going to be on a full-time schedule and in the meantime has had the opportunity to do some great jobs and have some unique experiences and really hone in on his skills (he's a very handy man to have around!).
  4. I love our apartment, sure we may not be "homeowners" but that will come and for now, we are living within our means and enjoying ourselves. Everything we need is at home...for us, there isn't that much of a need to really leave the apartment except for a breath of fresh air and some sunlight.

What would have happened if I went away for school? What if I had stayed in Visual Art and not withdrawn from Uni? What if I didn't work in retail full-time for four years? What if I didn't live with my grandparents for College? What if I was never introduced to Edward when we were 11? There are so many variables in life...and I am 100% glad I was on the right track, my track.

What's left? What more could I want or ask for? Well, the only thing ever on my list besides happiness, love and money (it does make the world go round) is a kitten...and I don't think in the whole scheme of things, that's asking too much ;)

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