Thursday, August 16, 2007

Friday Funny

Waiting in Amish country last Friday I mentioned that a young man, probably early 20's, dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt tucked in stopped by to see if we were okay.

He came up to the car and Dave explained the tow truck was on the way and thanked him for stopping. After that the conversation went a little something like this:

Amish: "Where are you guys from?"
Dave: "Toronto"
Amish: "Oh yeah, I was there last night."
Dave: "Cool, partying or something?"
Amish: "No, singing."

Amish: "Yeah, we're Christian, you know spreading the good word."
Dave: "That's cool."

Dave: "Wow, awkward." said under his breath but definitely out loud.

The conversation went on a few minutes longer - the young lad was meeting up to play some baseball in one of the corn fields because "if you build it, they will come" or some shit like that.

It was a completely random conversation and if Dave blantantly hadn't said "thanks for stopping and we're okay" I think he might have wanted to hang out in the backseat, spreading the good ol' word a little more. Maybe not so funny, and I've probably offended some but what the was pretty damn funny to us.


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