Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Fun...

My new manager is due in March with her first child, a baby girl. And there's a lot of women on our team that have children under the age of 2...they used to tell new people to stay away from the RHP team because everyone there gets knocked up. So, it's not entirely true, there were a lot of us that haven't and won't be anytime soon but with all this baby talk, all of the time, you always hear advice, tidbits of information and stats. This one actually kind of creeps me out.

Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.


Rob said...

That's not funny. I'm not sure this meets your crietera of Friday funny, unless you're talking funny as in peculiar now, not funny as in ha ha. :-)

I guess kicking a baby in the knees would be kind of funny, since they don't have knee-caps. But that's probably not what you meant...

Melissa said...

I couldn't resist... sorry, it's the doctor in me...
Actually they have kneecaps, they just aren't ossified (and therefore visible on X-ray) until much later. So they are cartilage, and then they slowly turn to bone.

Vone said...

Well I checked last night and Lilo has kneecaps.