Saturday, January 13, 2007

Addiction or Purely Amusement?

Some may say that I have an addiction but I have been wondering when the line is drawn and when something you enjoy doing actually becomes an addiction. Who classifies this? Why do some people get to assume you are addicted or obsessed? I think this is a definite thin line and one that should be considered carefully before throwing out the "A" word.

Yes, it's true - I enjoy this a little too much, a large majority of my free time at home is spent doing this and if it wasn't blocked at work, I would do it there too. I haven't done it at anyone else's house but maybe if the opportunity presented itself and I was bored enough I just might do it there as well.

I wouldn't call it an addiction but more of just something that keeps me amused. I like the challenge of besting the last and beating the clock. Some of you may know what I'm talking about because you have been witness to me doing it or at least heard the clicks of the mouse. Yes folks, I'm talking about a goody but an oldie, something I'm sure many of you used to play but gave up on because of the technological advancements of the X-Box's and Playstations. I want to bring it back and I challege you all to take 5 minutes from your day and go back to when life was less complicated.

On your desktop, just click on "Start" and under Accessories click on "Games" and go to "Minesweeper" - don't be afraid, relish it and enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that someone else likes the old school!

My bests:
Beginner - 7 seconds
Intermediate - 42 seconds
Expert - 125 seconds

Vone said...

Boo - now I will never get anything done at work.
Got 6 seconds on Begnner.

Rob said...

If you like Minesweeper, you'll looooooove the head-to-head edition on new versions of MSN messenger. I've burned away many an evening playing against my sister.

Jennifer said...

Down to 6 seconds on beginner! Looked online at some of the scores - they must have a secret to the game.

Anonymous said...

Just set a new personal best of 117 on Expert

Vone said...

Beginner - 6 sec
Intermediate - 36 sec
Expert - 114 sec

yoo hoo - I've wasted so many hours playing this game.

Jennifer said...

Beat my high record - got Expert down to 117 last night!! Yippee!!!